
Exchange rates

European Union EUR
Amount 1
Buy 24.674
Sell 26.070
ČNB 25.372
United Kingdom GBP
Amount 1
Buy 29.240
Sell 30.894
ČNB 30.067
Amount 1
Buy 22.713
Sell 23.997
ČNB 23.355
Australia AUD
Amount 1
Buy 14.904
Sell 15.746
ČNB 15.325
Belarus BYR
Amount 100
Buy -
Sell -
ČNB 0.1192
Bulgaria BGN
Amount 1
Buy 12.612
Sell 13.326
ČNB 12.969
Canada CAD
Amount 1
Buy 16.441
Sell 17.371
ČNB 16.906
Denmark DKK
Amount 1
Buy -
Sell -
ČNB 3.3998
Hong Kong HKD
Amount 1
Buy -
Sell -
ČNB 2.9918
Hungary HUF
Amount 100
Buy 6.3086
Sell 6.6654
ČNB 6.4870
India INR
Amount 100
Buy -
Sell -
ČNB 27.890
Indonesia IDR
Amount 1000
Buy -
Sell -
ČNB 1.4337
Japan JPY
Amount 100
Buy 14.688
Sell 15.518
ČNB 15.103
Kazakhstan KZT
Amount 100
Buy 4.7985
Sell 5.0699
ČNB 4.9342
Mainland China CNY
Amount 1
Buy -
Sell -
ČNB 3.2208
Norway NOK
Amount 1
Buy 2.0673
Sell 2.1843
ČNB 2.1258
Philippines PHP
Amount 100
Buy -
Sell -
ČNB 40.024
Poland PLN
Amount 1
Buy 5.7726
Sell 6.0990
ČNB 5.9358
Romania RON
Amount 1
Buy 4.9619
Sell 5.2425
ČNB 5.1022
Russia RUB
Amount 100
Buy 26.130
Sell 28.308
ČNB 27.219
Serbia RSD
Amount 100
Buy 21.076
Sell 22.268
ČNB 21.672
South Africa ZAR
Amount 1
Buy -
Sell -
ČNB 1.2797
Sweden SEK
Amount 1
Buy -
Sell -
ČNB 2.1626
Switzerland CHF
Amount 1
Buy 25.705
Sell 27.159
ČNB 26.432
Turkey TRY
Amount 100
Buy 68.845
Sell 72.739
ČNB 70.792
Ukraine UAH
Amount 1
Buy -
Sell -
ČNB 0.5684
Vietnam VND
Amount 1000
Buy -
Sell -
ČNB 0.9227
Country Currency Amount Buy Sell ČNB
European Union EUR 1 24.674 26.070 25.372
United Kingdom GBP 1 29.240 30.894 30.067
USA USD 1 22.713 23.997 23.355
Australia AUD 1 14.904 15.746 15.325
Belarus BYR 100 - - 0.1192
Bulgaria BGN 1 12.612 13.326 12.969
Canada CAD 1 16.441 17.371 16.906
Denmark DKK 1 - - 3.3998
Hong Kong HKD 1 - - 2.9918
Hungary HUF 100 6.3086 6.6654 6.4870
India INR 100 - - 27.890
Indonesia IDR 1000 - - 1.4337
Japan JPY 100 14.688 15.518 15.103
Kazakhstan KZT 100 4.7985 5.0699 4.9342
Mainland China CNY 1 - - 3.2208
Norway NOK 1 2.0673 2.1843 2.1258
Philippines PHP 100 - - 40.024
Poland PLN 1 5.7726 6.0990 5.9358
Romania RON 1 4.9619 5.2425 5.1022
Russia RUB 100 26.130 28.308 27.219
Serbia RSD 100 21.076 22.268 21.672
South Africa ZAR 1 - - 1.2797
Sweden SEK 1 - - 2.1626
Switzerland CHF 1 25.705 27.159 26.432
Turkey TRY 100 68.845 72.739 70.792
Ukraine UAH 1 - - 0.5684
Vietnam VND 1000 - - 0.9227
European Union EUR
Amount 1
Buy 24.674
Sell 26.070
United Kingdom GBP
Amount 1
Buy 29.240
Sell 30.894
Amount 1
Buy 22.713
Sell 23.997
Australia AUD
Amount 1
Buy 14.904
Sell 15.746
Belarus BYR
Amount 100
Buy -
Sell -
Bulgaria BGN
Amount 1
Buy 12.612
Sell 13.326
Canada CAD
Amount 1
Buy 16.441
Sell 17.371
Denmark DKK
Amount 1
Buy -
Sell -
Hong Kong HKD
Amount 1
Buy -
Sell -
Hungary HUF
Amount 100
Buy 6.3086
Sell 6.6654
India INR
Amount 100
Buy -
Sell -
Indonesia IDR
Amount 1000
Buy -
Sell -
Japan JPY
Amount 100
Buy 14.688
Sell 15.518
Kazakhstan KZT
Amount 100
Buy 4.7985
Sell 5.0699
Mainland China CNY
Amount 1
Buy -
Sell -
Norway NOK
Amount 1
Buy 2.0673
Sell 2.1843
Philippines PHP
Amount 100
Buy -
Sell -
Poland PLN
Amount 1
Buy 5.7726
Sell 6.0990
Romania RON
Amount 1
Buy 4.9619
Sell 5.2425
Russia RUB
Amount 100
Buy 26.130
Sell 28.308
Serbia RSD
Amount 100
Buy 21.076
Sell 22.268
South Africa ZAR
Amount 1
Buy -
Sell -
Sweden SEK
Amount 1
Buy -
Sell -
Switzerland CHF
Amount 1
Buy 25.705
Sell 27.159
Turkey TRY
Amount 100
Buy 68.845
Sell 72.739
Ukraine UAH
Amount 1
Buy -
Sell -
Vietnam VND
Amount 1000
Buy -
Sell -
Country Currency Amount Buy Sell Deviation from the ECB
European Union EUR 1 24.674 26.070 +2,68 %
United Kingdom GBP 1 29.240 30.894 -
USA USD 1 22.713 23.997 -
Australia AUD 1 14.904 15.746 -
Belarus BYR 100 - - -
Bulgaria BGN 1 12.612 13.326 +2,65 %
Canada CAD 1 16.441 17.371 -
Denmark DKK 1 - - -
Hong Kong HKD 1 - - -
Hungary HUF 100 6.3086 6.6654 +3,26 %
India INR 100 - - -
Indonesia IDR 1000 - - -
Japan JPY 100 14.688 15.518 -
Kazakhstan KZT 100 4.7985 5.0699 -
Mainland China CNY 1 - - -
Norway NOK 1 2.0673 2.1843 +3,95 %
Philippines PHP 100 - - -
Poland PLN 1 5.7726 6.0990 +3,22 %
Romania RON 1 4.9619 5.2425 +2,62 %
Russia RUB 100 26.130 28.308 -
Serbia RSD 100 21.076 22.268 -
South Africa ZAR 1 - - -
Sweden SEK 1 - - -
Switzerland CHF 1 25.705 27.159 +1,99 %
Turkey TRY 100 68.845 72.739 -
Ukraine UAH 1 - - -
Vietnam VND 1000 - - -

Information about card payments in foreign currency

The Bank settles card payments in the currency of the account to which the card was provided and on which the amount of the card transaction was blocked during its authorization. The amount of a payment made in a currency other than the currency of the account is converted at the current exchange rate of the Bank valid at the time of the settlement of the transaction. If the card transaction is executed in a currency other than the Settlement Currency (ie a currency other than CZK, EUR, GBP or USD), Mastercard will convert it at its exchange rate into EUR and the Bank will settle the amount received in EUR. The Bank has no influence on the exchange rate used by the Mastercard.

If the foreign currency is the currency of a Member State of the European Union, the currency of a European Economic Area, or the currency of Switzerland, in our exchange rate, you will find a percentage surcharge when converting the currency in our bank against the exchange rate of the European Central Bank. The percentage surcharge is calculated in relation to the exchange rate of the European Central Bank at the time of the last change of our exchange rate list.

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